Dr. Amir Jahan Khan

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, IBA

Dr. Amir Jahan Khan is a trained economist with extensive experience in both the energy and healthcare markets. Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Warwick, Dr. Amir has spent over a decade working with a diverse array of clients, including government agencies, private corporations, and non-profit organizations. Dr. Amir has made significant contributions to the field of energy economics in the analysis of electricity markets in Pakistan. His expertise extends to network analysis, where he has developed frameworks to assess the structure and resilience of power grids. Dr. Amir's work in this area often involves cost comparisons, helping stakeholders understand the financial implications of different energy technologies and infrastructure investments. Dr. Amir has applied his analytical skills to evaluate healthcare programs and interventions. He specializes in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and budget impact analysis (BIA), methodologies that are critical for determining the value for money of healthcare initiatives. His research has been instrumental in guiding policy decisions on the allocation of resources in the healthcare market, particularly in assessing the economic impact of new medical technologies and treatments. Dr. Amir has published more than 20 journal articles, working papers, and project reports.


1. Khan, A. J. (2014). Structure and regulation of the electricity networks in Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 505-528.

2. Khan, A. J. (2014). The comparative efficiency of public and private power plants in Pakistan’s electricity industry.

3. Szczepura, A., Wild, D., Khan, A. J., Owen, D. W., Palmer, T., Muhammad, T., ... & Bowman, C. (2016). Antipsychotic prescribing in care homes before and after launch of a national dementia strategy: an observational study in English institutions over a 4-year period. BMJ open, 6(9), e009882.

4. Jamal, H., Khan, A. J., Toor, I. A., & Amir, N. (2003). Mapping the spatial deprivation of Pakistan. The Pakistan Development Review, 91-111.

5. Hall, P. V., & Khan, A. J. (2008). Differences in hiā€tech immigrant earnings and wages across Canadian cities. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 52(3), 271-290.